Information updated 05.09.2015
Base information Playoff information Reports
Software As made gropus (eng) 1st round 2nd round
Regulation and Rules (eng) As made groups (rus) 3rd round 4th round
Regulation and Rules (rus) Registered players data 5th round
Tournament Maps Group games calendar /2 games
Diplo Calculator On-line Chat heroes 4 Final & 3rd place games
GROUP ROUNDW - win gives 1 point, D - draw gives 0,5 point, L - lose gives 0 points, A - absence from game gives 0 pointsF - frozen game for a week
8 best players go to playoff
Red nicknames - host of the gamePLAYOFF
1/4 1/2 Final game Prize-winners (23 oct. - 6 nov.) (7 nov. - 13 nov.) (14 nov. - 30 nov.) 1 Mordaunt Gagatek Mordaunt World Champion 2015 Mordaunt 2 Szigi Mordaunt Silver Prizer Shnurov Shnurov 3 Shnurov Al-Farabi 3rd p. game Shnurov Bronze Prizer CTPAHHuK 4 Alexander13 CTPAHHuK CTPAHHuK